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Mihov Index Maker

All the files in the folder contains an HTML link a program that creates a file.


"One program, an HTML link that contains all the files in the folder creates a file."
Different file to the disk drive Index Maker Mihov an HTML file containing links to is a program created. These files, images, text files or files that can bridge. If the file will automatically include the title of the program link in HTML format, that is looking at what index file only do not know. Otherwise, the index shows only the file name.
Program search for all files in a folder, but to a specific folder including sub-folders you can set it to. Program with all the files in a specific directory and all sub-scans all files with a single click and only contains links to all files creates an index file.
Catalog page can be customized a bit. User as well as the background image will choose the title of the index file. This page titles and file names using only istead use can prevent. In addition, the road in front of file names by adding a list for FTP servers can create.
This program will be very useful for HTML files with names something you do not understand (ie the files of your browser cache) can no longer Mihov Index Maker 1.50 download free.

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